How can I export my Usage Data?
To check you are on the right subscription, check in the top right-hand corner of your PoweredLocal dashboard. If this icon is present, you will need to contact PoweredLocal to upgrade your subscription.
To export your usage data follow these steps:
* Navigate to Visits > Visit History
* By default, the last 30 days will display
* Using the green menu option on the top right of the page, set your date range. Depending on what date range you are looking to export, use the pre-set options, or select Custom Range:
> Select start date
> Select end date
> The maximum date range to export data in one time is four months. To export more than this, you will need to export multiple times.
> Click Apply
* The default view for Visit History is All Networks - i
f you have more than one PoweredLocal network in your User Account, select the network you wish to export Usage Data for
* Click Export once your date range and network is set
* A .csv file will automatically download