I can see two PoweredLocal networks being broadcast. Why is this?

I can see two PoweredLocal networks being broadcast. Why is this?

PoweredLocal broadcasts two networks in your business. Its part of our secret sauce.

One has your business name, so it's recognisable to your customers. E.g. Jake's Cafe Free WiFi
The second is PoweredLocal Free Wi-Fi and its what we call the "Mesh Network" - something that adds a tremendous amount of value to your business.

Firstly, no matter which of the two networks a user clicks on at your business, they will see your login page and connect to your business. Its completely branded to your business.

Where the avalanche of extra value comes is that we have a broad network of people who use PoweredLocal's devices in thousands of locations across the country. And just like your phone automatically connects to your home or office Wi-Fi, now when a new customer comes to your business, that has used one of the many thousand other PoLo Wi-Fi systems in another business, they don't even have to pull their phone out and click a thing. They will automatically connect to Wi-Fi, and you will automatically get all their information into your database.

You should expect to see an uplift in the numbers of engagement and growth of your database. To know more please head to this link