I keep getting notifications that my customer wifi keeps going offline/online. How can I fix this?

I keep getting notifications that my customer wifi keeps going offline/online. How can I fix this?

There are a few reasons that your Wifi is going offline/online. Here are a few of the most common causes and fixes:

  • Your PoweredLocal WiFi router is in a high traffic area, such as a cupboard where staff bags are, or can be easily knocked. This may cause the cables to become dislodged.

    • FIX: Consider moving the router to a spot that is away from the action.

  • Your PoweredLocal WiFi router is plugged into a power source that has something plugged in with it that is routinely switched off, such as a register or iPad.

    • FIX: Consider moving the router to it’s own power source so it’s not being switched off/on.

  • I don’t want my wifi used when we’re not open, so I switch it off.

    • FIX: We can set your business hours, so you don’t need to keep turning the router off/on.

  • Your modem may need a reboot.

    • FIX: Follow the instruction manual to perform a reboot.

Tip: You can adjust your notification settings in your PoweredLocal Dashboard.