I use My Guest List to communicate with my customers. Can I integrate my PoweredLocal data with MGL?
The tech team have built us a great little tool where you can easily integrate your PoweredLocal account with your My Guest List account.
Here's how:
Navigate to Apps
Click on the My Guest List icon
Make sure you have your My Guest List API key - the team at MGL can help you with this
Click Update
Select the My Guest List category you would like your PoweredLocal data to feed in to, using the selection tool
Click Update
When the page refreshes with your My Guest List category confirmed, in the table on the right, My Guest List & PoweredLocal fields will populate
Match the My Guest List Field with a PoweredLocal field, using the green buttons on the right. Generally, there is only a small portion of PoweredLocal fields that will match with your My Guest List fields.
Below is an example of the possibilities!
Things to remember when integrating your My Guest List Account:
> Ensure the team at MGL have created the right categories for you. If you have multiple venues, it's worth using this naming convention: Venue Name - PoweredLocal. This makes it easier to see the source of your data